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Authors: Michael Cunningham, Ji Hoon Hyun, Dr. Dong S. Ha

Schematic Bindkeys

Important Bindkeys for Cadence Schematic (v5.1.41)*

Keystroke Function Action
Esc (Escape) Cancel current function
F3 Current function option form
F6 Redraw display
Delete Delete the selected component or wire
Left Click + Draw a Box Select in box
c Copy instance
f Zoom fit
i Create instance
l (lower case L) create wire label
m Stretch (move with wires attached)
Shift + m Move (selected only)
p Create a pin
q Query (object properties)
r Rotate
Ctrl + r Flip (vertical)
Shift + r Mirror (horizontal)
u Undo
Shift + u Redo
w Create wire
x Schematic "check"
Shift + x "Check and Save"
e Descend in Hierarchy (read) - select component
Shift + e Descend in Hierarchy (edit )
Ctrl + e Ascend in Hierarchy


Other Useful Bindkeys for Cadence Schematic (v5.1.41)*

Key (Stroke) Function Action
Right Click Redo last operation
[ Zoom out
] Zoom in
Scroll Zoom
Right Click + Draw Box Zoom to box
Shift + Right Click + Box Zoom out (Fits current view into box selection size)
z Zoom in (select with box)
Ctrl + z Zoom out (select with box)
h Highlight wire labels and/or Instances
Shift + h Remove highlighted labels
o "Display Options" (of schematic)
Shift + o "Editor Options"
Ctrl + a Select all
Ctrl + d Select none
e Descend in Hierarchy (read) - select component
Shift + e Descend in Hierarchy (edit )
Ctrl + e Ascend in Hierarchy

*Note that these are the default bindkeys. Cmd (for Mac users) is the analog of the Windows Ctrl key. A full list of bindkeys can be viewed in the CIW (icfb window) under Options → Bindkey...


Wavescan (Plot) Bindkeys

Useful Bindkeys for Wavescan (v5.1.41)*

Keystroke Function Action
c Trace cursor
v Vertical cursor
h Horizontal cursor
d Delta cursor
m Marker
a Add delta marker relative to current marker
f Zoom fit
Backspace Delete a point
Delete Delete a point


Layout XL Bindkeys

Important Bindkeys for Cadence Layout XL (v5.1.41)*

Keystroke Function Action
Esc (Escape) Cancel current function
F2 Save
F3 Current function options form
Delete Delete the selected object
Shift + Left click Add to selection
Ctrl + Left click Remove from selection
Left Click + Draw a Box select in box
Ctrl + a Select all
Ctrl + d Select none
Ctrl + r Redraw display
c Copy instnace
Shift + c Chop
e Edit display options
Shift + e Edit layout options
f Zoom fit
g Toggle gravity
k Create ruler
Shift + k Delete all rulers
m Move (selected only)
m + right click Rotate shape
Shift + m Merge
n Set snap mode to diagonal
Ctrl + n Set the snap mode to L90 (90° L bends for paths)
Shift + n Set the snap mode to orthogonal
o Create a contact
p Create a path
Shift + p Create a polygon
q Query (object properties)
r Create a rectangle
s Stretch
u Undo
Shift + u Redo
Shift + f Set the stop level to max depth (all layers)
Ctrl + f Set the stop level to zero (floorplan only)
Ctrl + z Zoom in (by 2x)
Shift + z Zoom out (by 2x)
Directional arrows Navigate window (←, →, ↑, ↓)


Other Useful Bindkeys for Cadence Layout XL (v5.1.41)*

Key (Stroke) Function Action
Right Click Redo last operation
Right Click + Draw Box Zoom to box
Shift + Right Click + Box Zoom out (Fits current view into box selection size)
z Zoom in (select with box)
Shift + g Create a guard ring
Shift + o Rotate
Ctrl + s Split
Ctrl + t Zoom to selected
v Attach (a device to another)

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