The MICS group is equipped with state-of-art measurement instruments capable of RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave IC/system measurements, analog/mixed signal IC/system measurements, and antenna characterization. Major instruments include a probe station, network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, an impedance analyzer, a logic analyzer, function generators, and high-speed digital oscilloscopes. The group also accesses an anechoic antenna chamber for antenna characterization.
The group can access various industry CAD tools for RF and analog IC design including a full suite of Cadence tools, Advanced Design System (ADS), and electromagnetic simulators such as HFSS and Sonnet. The measurement infrastructure enables the MICS group to conduct cutting-edge research in analog/RF ICs and systems, and antennas and RF interfaces.
High-Frequency ICs and Systems Measurement Capabilities (~ 110 GHz):
We have access to advanced high-frequency circuit and system characterization capabilities up to 110 GHz with on-wafer probe station.
- Cascade Microtech High-frequency Probe Station (N/S/E/W positioners, various GSG, GSSG, and GSGSG Air Coplanar Probes for RF signals up to 110 GHz, multi-tip DCQ and Eyepass probes for DC and IF signals) [MICS #32]
- HP 85106D Millimeter-wave Subsystem (50-75 GHz, 75-110 GHz) [MICS #3]
- Agilent E8364B Performance Network Analyzer (10 MHz-50 GHz) with high-power, frequency offset, and time-domain measurement capabilities [MICS #4]
- HP 8563E Spectrum Analyzer (9 kHz-26.5 GHz) with Phase Noise measurement utility, HP 11970V Harmonic mixer to enable spectrum analysis in the 50-75 GHz band [MICS #11]
- HP E4411B Spectrum Analyzer, ESA-L (9 kHz – 1.5 GHz) [MICS #13]
- Anritsu MS 2665C Spectrum Analyzer with remote monitoring and control (9 KHz - 21.2 GHz) [MICS #12]
- Rohde & Schwarz SMF100A Signal Generator (100 KHz - 43.5 GHz, Output power: +25 dBm, Rise and fall time: < 10 ns) [MICS #9]
- HP E4418B Power Meter, E9300A Wideband (10 MHz-18 GHz) [MICS #35]
- Agilent 8973A Noise Figure Analyzer (10 MHz-3 GHz) [MICS #5]

Analog/mixed-signal Measurement Capabilities:
In addition to the above instruments, we have dedicated instruments for analog/mixed-signal IC and system measurements. Those instruments are general purpose with low frequency ranges or specialized for energy harvesting research. We also have number miscellaneous instruments such as multimeters, power supplies, power amplifiers, thermal electric generators, data acquisition boards and soldering tools.
- Agilent 4294A Impedance Analyzer (Freq. range: 40 Hz to 110 MHz, Basic impedance accuracy: ±0.08%, Impedance range: 3 mΩ to 500 MΩ ) [MICS #1]
- Agilent 1672G Logic Analyzer (# of Channels: 68 channels of logic analysis, 150 MHz state speed and 500 MHz timing speed, 2GB hard drive) [MICS #2]
- Agilent 33220A Function Generator (Amplitude range: 10 mVpp to 10 Vpp, Modulation types: AM, FM, PM, FSK and PWM, Includes USB, GPIB and LAN interfaces) [MICS #108]
- Pulse Generator: Pico Second 10070A (Amplitude into 50 Ω: 700 μV min to 7.5 V max, Rise time: -65 ps typical, Source impedance: 50 Ω nominal) [MICS #6]
- Agilent MS09254A: (Analog bandwidth: 2.5 GHz, # of analog channels: 4, Input sensitivity at 50 Ω: 1mv/div to 1V/div, # of logic channels: 16) [MICS #31]
- HP HP54520A: (Real time bandwidth: 125 MHz (2 ch), 250 MHz (1ch), Sample rate: up to 1GSa/s, Sensitivity: 1mV/div to 5 V/div) [MICS #18 - Oscilloscope]
- Picoammeter: Keithley model # 6485: (10 fA resolution, 5-1/2 digit resolution, Up to 1000 readings/second, IEE-488 and RS-232 interfaces) [MICS #34]
- Solar Simulator: Newport model #94021A: (Class ABB solar simulator, Power output: 1000 mW/cm2, Lamp: 150 W xenon type) [MICS #17 - Solar Replicator]

CAD Design Environment:
The MICS group has a network of workstations running both Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems. We have access to a wide range of software for circuit design and simulation, electromagnetic and electro-mechanical simulation, CAD and layout, mathematics, programming and instrumentation control:
- Analog/Digital/Mixed-Signal Circuit Design: Cadence Spectre and Virtuoso, Synopsys, Pspice, and OrCAD
- RF/Microwave Circuit and System Design: Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS), and Cadence Spectre RF
- Finite Element EM Analysis: Ansoft HFSS and Agilent EMPro
- Finite Element Mechanical Analysis: Ansys and Abacus
- Finite Difference Time Domain EM Analysis: Agilent EMPro
- Instrumentation Control: HP VEE
- Method-of-Moments: Agilent EESof Momentum (part of ADS), Sonnet em
- MEMS CAD: Coventorware
- Analog Circuit Simulations: Simplis and LTspice
- CAD design: Eagle Design