Sign-Off (EDI, EPS, Primetime)
Author: Hetaswi Vankani, Adithya Venkatramanan, Dr. Dong S. Ha
m. Rail Analysis – Run Rail Analysis
i. Power & Rail -> Run Rail Analysis ->
ii. Check Domain Based. Domain Name: allDomains
iii. Power Net(s): VDD Volatge(s) 0.88 (V) Threshold 0.84 (V). Assuming a max 5% drop.
iv. Ground Net (s): VSS Voltage(s) 0 (V) Threshold: 0.04 (V). Gound bounce of 0.04V
v. Power Data: Curent files; check Scale: 1
vi. Power/Current File (s): ./power_report/*.ptiavg (press Ctrl and select all .ptiavg files)
vii. Creating VDD_wb.ppl and VSS_wb.ppl:
Syntax(VDD_wb.ppl) VDD <X> <Y> metal6
(VSS_wb.ppl) VSS <X> <Y> metal6
For the purpose of this tutorial, the downloaded files can be used directly.
viii. File: Browse for VDD_wb.ppl in project directory. Net Name: VDD Click Add
ix. File: Browse for VSS_wb.ppl in project directory. Net Name: VSS Click Add
x. Hit OK