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Back End Design Using Cadence Tool – Physical Implementation

Authors: Hetaswi Vankani, Adithya Venkatramanan, and Dr. Dong S. Ha

Tool: Encounter Digital Implementation (encounter)


Global Net Connection

1.  Power → Connect Global Nets

2.  Pin Name(s): VDD;  Apply All; To Global Net: VDD; Add to list

3.  Pin Name(s): VSS;  Apply All; To Global Net: VSS; Add to list

4.  Hit Apply

5.  Hit Check

6.  Hit Cancel to close the window


Fig 08. Global net connect

7.  Add Rings

a.  Power → Power Planning → Add Ring

b.  Set parameters:

i.  Top: Layer: AP Width: 3 Spacing: 4

ii.  Bottom: Layer: AP Width: 3 Spacing: 4

iii.  Left: Layer: M6 Width: 3 Spacing: 4

iv.  Right: Layer: M6 Width: 3 Spacing: 4

v.  Offset: 3 each

vi.  Let other options remain default

Fig 09. Parameters values for adding ring
Fig 09. Parameters values for adding ring