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Environment Setup

Before you can run this tutorial, you need to set up the files and libraries. The files for the tutorial are in a tarred, compressed file, called vfs_amsflow.t.Z, located in the directory:


To prepare for the tutorial:

1. Copy vfs_amsflow.t.Z to the directory where you want to install the files.

2. Move to the directory that you copied the file into and uncompress and untar it. For example, you might use the commands:

zcat vfs_amsflow.t.Z | tar xvf -

3. Move down into the vfs_amsflow directory.

4. Edit the cds.lib file. Remove the last line or add # at the beginning of that line. Add another line:

DEFINE connectLib ${AMSHOME}/tools/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/connectLib

5. Copy the following script to set the environment variables before using the AMS environment and simulator. You can also make a file including the following script, for example, called MSruncadence.

#!/bin/csh -f

setenv AMSHOME /software/Cadence/IUS58
setenv CDSHOME /software/Cadence/IC5141

setenv PATH ${PATH}:${CDSHOME}/tools/bin
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${CDSHOME}/tools/dfII/bin
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${CDSHOME}/tools/dracula/bin
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${AMSHOME}/tools/bin

setenv CDK_DIR /software/Cadence/NCSU1.5.1/local

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${AMSHOME}/tools/lib:${CDSHOME}/tools/lib

# You have to set up license file paths in your Unix environment.
# Ask your system admin for the set-up.
<Add license file paths here.>

Every time you use the AMS environment, run the following command in the Linux command line.

> tcsh
> source MSruncadence
> icms &