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Steps for Chip Submission

Authors:  Carrie Aust

1.  Create GDSII file for layout.

a.  Open Stream Out form from CIW window.  File->Export->Stream

b.  Fill in Library Name, Cell Name, and Output File boxes

c.  Include layer map in User Defined Data

d.  Click User Defined Data button in Stream Out form

i.  Enter the appropriate file name for the given technology in Layer Map box.

ii.  If you are using NCSU design kit, you must use CIF output format.

iii.  Click ok.

e.  Click ok.

f.  You should get a message stating stream out was successful.  The GDSII output file is the file you used in the Output File box.


2.  Or Create CIF file for layout

a.  Open CIF Out form from CIW window. File->Export->CIF.

b.  Follow all steps from 1.  The layer map table is $CDK_DIR/local/pipo/cifOutLayerMap (for the NCSU Kit) with CDK_DIR being the installation path to the kit.


3.  Find checksum for output file (GDSII or CIF)

a.  Retrieve mosiscrc.c from MOSIS web-site at

b.  Compile the c language file.

>>gcc mosiscrc.c


3.  Use executable to find checksum of file.  Record the two numbers that are given.  For more information see the MOSIS web page

a.  For GDSII

>>a.out -b <GDSII file name>

b.  For CIF

>>a.out -t <CIF file name>

4.  Submitting the Chip....

a.  Use the one-step submission form to submit the chip to MOSIS for fabrication.  Refer to for details.  The lambda and the technology code are specific to the process your are using.  The technology codes and lambda values are found at

b.  If you are using the NCSU design kit, the technology code is specific to the kind of devices you are using. All the SCMOS options are given at The options available are specific to the process (see )The lambda values are given for each of the processes.


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