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Front End Design Using Synopsys Tools - Part 2

Author: Hetaswi Vankani, Dr. Dong S. Ha

Tool: Library Compiler, VCS and DVE

NOTE: The files downloaded must not be saved or used in .txt format. Please save it in the format as mentioned in the tutorial.


Analyze and Compile

1.  Make sure that ‘[Synopsys_New]’ appears in the prompt, if not type ‘Synopsys_New’

2.  Next, compile the Verilog files. This is done using VCS which is Verilog Compiler Simulator from Synopsys.

3.  Type:

vcs –full64 cnt_updown.v tb_cnt_updown.v

(The option –full64 allows the tool to invoke its bin file for 64-bit machine. This option has not been set by default for computing system at VT) 

Fig 1. Design and testbench compiled using VCS.
Fig 1. Design and testbench compiled using VCS.

4.  At this stage, check if simv file is present or not. This is an executable file to run the simulation.

Type simv

‘updown_counter.dump’ file should have been generated.