Front End Design Using Synopsys Tool – Synthesis
Author: Hetaswi Vankani, Adithya Venkatramanan, Dr. Dong S. Ha
Tool: Design Compiler
NOTE: The files downloaded must not be saved or used in .txt format. Please save it in the format as mentioned in the tutorial.
Using GUI
1. This tutorial has been written assuming that the earlier synopsys tutorial on compile and analyze has been performed. If not, please go through the previous tutorial. Links to downloadable files are available there.
2. cd into your project directory (your present working directory must be your project directory). Type ‘Synopsys_New’. This is to ensure that the path to the latest Synopsys tools bin file are set. [Synopsys_New] must appear in the prompt.
3. Type design_vision
4. Read Design: File → Read → Select cnt_updown.v → Hit Open
(If you aren’t able to view .v file, select ‘file type’ as ‘All Files(*)’