Synopsys Unix Setup
Authors: Jinsik Yun, Jeannette Djigbenou, Dr. Dong S. Ha
Version Y-2006.06-SP2
As all Unix applications generally do, Synopsys applications need some Unix environment setup. You have to follow these instructions in order to minimize any setup errors. Note that this tutorial is based on the vtvt_tsmc180 library.
1. VTVT Synopsys Library Download
If you have already VTVT_tsmc180 Standard Cell library, you can skip to 2. VTVT Synopsys Library Install.
- You have to request the vtvt_tsmc180 Standard Cell library in order to download it: It may take 1~2 business days to confirm your request.
- Once you download the libraray in the Windows system, please send it to the Unix system using a proper FTP, SCP application.
2. VTVT Synopsys Library Install
- If you have downloaded the library successfully, it may be one compressed file. Please move that file into an appropriate directory.
For instance, initially I have the downloaded library at my home directory. I made a directory named as 'vlsi_libs' in my home directory. After that, I moved the compressed library file into 'vlsi_libs' directory. Please refer to the below picture.
- Please change your current directory to the directory which you just made at the previous step. Extract the compressed library into the same directoty. (I recommend you to use unix tar or gzip commands rather than Windows based programs.)
For instance, I changed the current directory to 'vlsi_libs' and extract the compressed library file into the same directory. You can see the new directory 'vtvt_tsmc180_rel1_v1' as the result of extraction.
- Please change the current directory to the 'vtvt_tsmc180_rel1_v1' directory which you just extracted from the compressed library file. (From now on, this 'vtvt_tsmc180_rel1_v1' directory is refered to as <your_lib_dir>).
- Extract Synopsys_Libraries.tar.gz into the same directory
- Please refer to the below picture. You can see the new directory 'Synopsys_Libraries' as the result of extraction.
- At this point, let's call Synopsys Unix path. You can simply type 'Synopsys'. This command includes the Synopsys path into your current Unix path. After executing the 'Synopsys' command, you should see the Synopsys path included as the [Synopsys] as the prefix of the prompt.
- Please refer to the below picture. You can see that the $PATH is including several paths related to Synopsys.
- Please change the current directory to the 'Synopsys_Libraries' directory which you extracted from the Synopsys_Libraries.tar.gz file at c. step. Please open .synopsys_dc.setup and change search_path definition to include Synopsys library path.
- Please refer to the below pictures. Initially .synopsys_dc.setup file has incorrect search_path definition.
- You have to replace <path_to_your_Synopsys_iinstallation_dir> into Synopsys path. You can check Synopsys path using 'echo $SYNOPSYS' command.
- Now this is the final result.
- Now, we have to recompile VHDL library into 'vtvt_tsmc180' library. Please execute the followin commands.
- rm -r vtvt_tsmc180/*
- vhdlan -work vtvt_tsmc180 vtvt_tsmc180_Vtables.vhd
- vhdlan -work vtvt_tsmc180 vtvt_tsmc180_Vcomponents.vhd
- vhdlan -work vtvt_tsmc180 vtvt_tsmc180_VITAL.vhd
3. Synopsys Setup
- Create your own project directory (from now, we call it <your_pjt_dir>). Then change the current directory to <your_pjt_dir> directory.
For instance, I made tutorial_synopsys directory as my own project directory.
- Copy .synopsys_vss.setup .synopsys_dc.setup files from '<your_lib_dir>/Synopsys_Libraries/' directory into <your_pjt_dir> directory.
- Make links for connecting all VHDL files from '<your_lib_dir>/Synopsys_Libraries/' directory into <your_pjt_dir> directory.
- Make links for connecting lib files from '<your_lib_dir>/Synopsys_Libraries/' directory into <your_pjt_dir> directory.
- Make links for connecting 'libs' directory from '<your_lib_dir>/Synopsys_Libraries/' directory into <your_pjt_dir> directory.
- Make links for connecting 'vtvt_tsmc180' directory from '<your_lib_dir>/Synopsys_Libraries/' directory into <your_pjt_dir> directory.
- Finally, you have to make VHDL 'work' directory.
- If you follow the instructions correctly, you should see the below result when executing 'ls -a' command.
- Now you are ready to use Synopsys application in <your_pjt_dir> directory.