Power Electronics
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Year 2009
- N. Kong, A. Davoudi, M. Hagen, E. Oettinger, M. Xu, D.S. Ha, and F.C. Lee, "Automated System Identification of Digitally-Controlled Multi-phase DC-DC Converters," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 259-263, February 2009.
Year 2008
- N. Kong, D.S. Ha, J. Li, and F.C. Lee, "Off-Time Prediction in Digital Constant On-Time Modulation for DC-DC Converters,"International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 3270 - 3273, May 2008.
Year 2007
- Y. Qiu, J. Li, M. Xu, D. S. Ha, F. C. Lee, "Proposed DPWM Scheme with Improved Resolution for Switching Power Converters,"Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 1588-1593, February 2007.
- J. Li, Y. Qiu, Y. Sun, B. Huang, M. Xu, D. S. Ha, F. C. Lee, "High Resolution Digital Duty Cycle Modulation Schemes for Voltage Regulators," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 871-876, February 2007.